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Jean-Bernard hebey was given his first big break at the age of 20 when Daniel Filipacchi invited him to join the legendary radio program "SLC". He then went on to front programmes for RTL where he interviewed rock stars including Mick Jagger, Elton John, Pete Townsend, and John Lennon. 

Jean-Bernard was invited by the City of Paris to purchase a collection of books of photographs for the Maison Européenne de la Photographie. At this time, Antenne 2 gave him his own spot commenting on contemporary art. 

Passionate about industrial design - as of today he owns more than 9000 objects from the US and Europe covering the years 1920 to 1980. He has published a book about the collection “Domestic Aesthetic” and done numerous exhibitions in France and Europe. For more about the collection go to


If there was one piece of art you could feature in, which would it be and why?

If I could be in a piece of art it would be in a James Turrell skyspace. Why? Because, for once, I would have the chance to be in a quiet and soothing ambiance with delicate colours and peaceful architecture where people from all over the world could come and reflect… 

Who inspires you and why? An artist, a family member, someone current or historical?

Neil Young has always been one of my heroes! He can be everything - soft and loud, revolted and reuniting, a poet and a leader, a singer and a writer, still young after all these years!

And of course Pablo Picasso and Andy Warhol.

What are your cultural aspirations? What do you still want to see, do and achieve?

I would like my collection to be alive and seen in a museum dedicated to Industrial Design which has been the driving force behind the XXth Century or the consumer society, providing a better life for everyone (especially women) and jobs.

What are your favourite cultural cities in the world and why?

New York because there you can have the best of both worlds. On the one hand, the established cultural institutions showing classical, modern and contemporary art in great museums, well funded and well organized and researched. On the other hand, all the cutting edge art of today in a burgeoning scene of small galleries and spaces.

What are you up to at the moment and where can we find it?

I’m organizing my collection, trying to find a cultural space for it and cataloging every object in a museum’s way. For more about the collection go to